Peiqing Yang


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About Me

I am currently a first-year PhD student in MMLab@NTU, supervised by Prof. Chen Change Loy. I obtained my M.S. degree in Data Science and Machine Learning in 2023 at National University of Singapore, jointly offered by Department of Mathematics and Department of Statistics and Data Science from Faculty of Science, and Department of Computer Science from the School of Computing. Before this, I obtained my B.S. degree in Statistics (Data Science Track) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in 2021.

My research interests lie in computer vision and deep learning with a focus on image/video restoration, editing, and generation.

Publications [Google Scholar]

Upscale-A-Video: Temporal-Consistent Diffusion Model for Real-World Video Super-Resolution  
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024 Highlight
Shangchen Zhou*, Peiqing Yang*, Jianyi Wang, Yihang Luo, Chen Change Loy
[Paper] [Project Page] [Code]

PGDiff: Guiding Diffusion Models for Versatile Face Restoration via Partial Guidance  
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023
Peiqing Yang, Shangchen Zhou, Qingyi Tao, Chen Change Loy
[Paper] [Code]

LaVie: High-Quality Video Generation with Cascaded Latent Diffusion Models  
arXiv, 2023
Yaohui Wang*, Xinyuan Chen*, Xin Ma*, Shangchen Zhou, Ziqi Huang, Yi Wang, Ceuyuan Yang, Yinan He, Jiashuo Yu, Peiqing Yang, Yuwei Guo, Tianxing Wu, Chenyang Si, Yuming Jiang, Cunjian Chen, Chen Change Loy, Bo Dai, Dahua Lin, Yu Qiao, Ziwei Liu
[Paper] [Project Page] [Code]


  • Presidential Award for Outstanding Graduates Nomination (top 3%), 2021
  • Academic Performance Scholarship - Class A (top 1%), 2020 & 2018
  • Academic Performance Scholarship - Class C (top 5%), 2019
  • Undergraduate Research Awards, 2019